Stripes: Of Wining and Dining and Adventures pt. 1

I know, I know, I just posted pictures from Florida but I didn’t really get a chance to tell you (slash show you via a zillion pictures) what I was up to on the New York leg of this trip. I did so much, in fact, that I am having a hard time paring down the number of pictures I want to post…so excuse my ridiculously long, two post series about New York. I had such a blast over there that I didn’t want to leave out any of the fun, so, without further adieu, here’s NY through the lens of my iPhone and a couple vignettes.

Day 1: Mr. New York and I made our way through the Village. Initially, we headed out with the goal of checking out an allergy free bakery but we turned it into a full day of poking around, finding all sorts of landmarks, and admiring the architecture. We ended the day with popsicles on the High Line-such amazing views!-and then dinner at an amazing gluten free Italian joint where we ordered wine like grown ups and made friends with the owner. We followed up dinner with some bar hoping and found our way to a speakeasy. Oh yes, themed drinking at it’s best! Though they were playing Backstreet Boys…I’m not sure it was the most historically accurate place but our drinks were served in tea cups which made up for the lack of mood music.

The first picture is of us post brownie noming at the awesome allergy free bakery and the rest are of some of the cool places we passed on our little tour.

Day 2: I took off on my own and headed towards Central Park. After taking an obligatory Strawberry Fields picture and lunching by the pond where kids race model sailboats (admittedly, I chose this spot because of how it was described in the Gossip Girl books…I had to see a few of my GG landmarks!), I headed off to Madison Ave to window shop. I don’t have many pictures from this leg of my trip because I didn’t want to seem too touristy…I’m sure I blended in like a golden retriever in a herd of Pomeranians (I was wearing a Hollister top and A&E shorts, after all) but I still had fun nonetheless. I ended my adventure by walking to the UN building and I successfully got myself home via subway all by myself-to say I was proud of myself would be an understatement. For dinner, Mr. New York and I whipped up this little dish…SO FREAKING GOOD!

The first pictures are from Central Park, the next is a really neat Dior window display, then a really pretty brownstone, and finally the UN building.

And there you have the first half of my New York trip! The second half of the trip will be up on Sunday and then we get to talk all things Disney…my “regular” posts should be starting back up just in time for Sequins to start telling us about some of her epic, impending adventures so I kind of feel like we should have temporarily renamed our blog Moose on the Run or Where in the World is Moose? or Moose Gone Wild-tell me your travel moose blog name ideas in the comments! I wanna see what you come up with for us!

One response to “Stripes: Of Wining and Dining and Adventures pt. 1

  1. Pingback: The Post That Has Been A Long Time Coming | MooseInChartreuse

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